
Monday, February 28, 2011

Dear Diary:

Dear diary:
Today was a great day. I had a lot of fun, except for this one person in my class that… blah blah blah…
What is the purpose of a diary? Isn’t that why we have friends, so we can talk freely about our feelings and all that other junk? Well even though we have our friends to talk to, there are still those few things in our minds that we can’t quite share with our “besties”.  A diary is a book in which you record events that happened throughout that day. But they are also sometimes used to write your thoughts and feelings outside of events that occurred that day.
Some people use a diary as a therapeutic solution. It is a good way to allow you to express your feelings and not let them stay bottled up inside you. If you have been abused, raped, or anything at all (it doesn’t have to be as big as my examples), a diary can help you cope. You can use them to unburden yourself from the trials of life and help figure out solutions for your problems. They can also be good to look back on in 10-20 years to see what your life was like when you were younger.
Another cool and important significance of a diary is a lot of the history that we know is because people back then kept diaries of what happened (The Diary of Anne Frank for example). So maybe in 100 years the diaries people write in today will be used as a record of our lives and how we lived.
What do you write about in your diary? Do you write about far away places with kings, queens, and fire-breathing dragons? Do you write about that person you can’t get out of your head? Or how about you parents who just done understand what your going through?  The beauty of those countless blank pages is that you can tell a story the way you want to tell it and there is no one to tell you no. it is your canvas, so go paint your picture. Who knows, maybe someday your diary will be an important book of history.

picture references:

Monday, January 24, 2011

My name is Anthony

                My name is Anthony Shackelford and I am an individual. I am not a color or a number. I am a person. I hate when I have bad hair days. I hate it because if my hair looks bad then my entire day is ruined. I hate when I wake up to find that my favorite pair of jeans isn’t in my closet so I can’t wear them. I hate when people pretend they know me when they have no clue. I hate when people complain when their lives are perfect. I hate when teachers place me into a category with other people.  Because, like I said before, I am an individual.
                No one likes to be put into categories. I know I don’t like to. I have been called a prep, an emo, and other various cliques. I am an INDIVIDUAL. I am not a prep, I am not an emo; I am not whatever you think I am.  I have tons of friends and I become closer to them every day. Well, the true friends anyway.
                I am loved by many people, and hated by some. But that’s ok with me. I realize I will not be liked by everyone but I also realize that it’s ok.  I love most people and I am the type of person to sit beside the “loser” at the lunch table. I love to sing even though I really can’t. I hate exercising so I try to keep that to a bare minimum. My name is Anthony Shackelford and I am an individual. I love life, but sometimes I hate it. I am a confusing person and sometimes I get annoying but it’s the only way I can function. I do stupid stuff when I get angry but it’s better than hitting someone. I am an individual, And it’s fine with me.  

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Let's do a blog!

A blog is a series of frequently updated posts about a certain topic, used to inform. Many blogs are usually personal, “how do I feel about this” posts. Blogs usually are centered on one area or topic, or something that interest you.  Some people like to have a blog just for fun, some need it for work, and some, like me, need it to pass a class in high school. Personally I feel that a blog is a waste of life. That’s because I am lazy and have no goals.  That is a joke my fellow readers!  To me, a blog is an online journal! Except, with a journal you have privacy. But with a blog you have no privacy because it is online for the world to see unless you are a world-wide loser and no one likes you.  Then it is exactly like a journal because no one will read it anyways! Everyone has a reason for doing a blog. Like I said, some do it for fun, some do it for work, and some do it because they're being graded on it and theirl teacher is a nag! (She doesn’t think she is a nag though. Clearly she is delusional.)  According to internet guru Dave Weinberger: “blogs are a growing force in commerce because they provide a more powerful voice to individuals.” 

Monday, December 13, 2010

Please be neat! wipe the seat!

                As you all know, my blog is about the communication. Throughout my blog I have discussed various types of communication. Communication is an essential part of life. However, there are places where you should not communicate with people.  There are just some places where it just isn’t appropriate, and a good example of when it isn’t appropriate is public restrooms.  Here today I will provide you with a list of rules to follow and why they are important when using a public restroom.
Rule 1: Always pick the urinal farthest away from the door. It’s just common courtesy, allowing all later arrivals and possibly “emergency” users to choose a closer one.
Rule 2: When choosing a urinal, always make sure there is a space (an empty urinal) between you and the other person, unless it is not possible (all are filled at that moment.)
Rule 3: don’t EVER take the middle if others are open. Even if you think you will be the only person using the bathroom, someone might walk in. a good rule of thumb is “The farther you are away from a fellow user, the better.”
Rule 4: always stand directly to the side of the next user and remain in his peripheral vision. Don’t make others nervous by standing in their blind spot.
Rule 5: no talking. EVER!
Rule 6: NEVER look to the side! It doesn’t matter if you think Donald Trump is standing beside you. The only acceptable places to look are down and up.
Rule 7: if you only have to go #1, doesn’t use a toilet designed for extended use (the #2.) use a urinal. There is probably going to be someone that walks in needing to go #2 and they wont be able to if you are on the toilet going #1.  ALWAYS BE CONSIDERATE OF OTHER USERS!
Rule 8: ALWAYS flush and WASH your hands. I cannot stress that enough.
Rule 9: NEVER make eye-contact with a fellow user. It is just weird and you might get punched.
                These are some of what I am sure are many rules of bathroom procedures to follow when using a public restroom. Like I said, always be considerate of your fellow user. What you wouldn’t want someone to do to you, don’t do to anyone else.

Sunday, November 28, 2010


My blog is about communication, and all this time I have been blank as to what I was going to do my blog on next. How about FACEBOOK!!! Everyone uses it so why didn’t I think of it? Well I’ll tell you why! Because I can be a bit slow at times,  hahaha.

                Facebook has got to be the most popular social networking site of the century! Facebook laughs at MySpace, MyYearbook, and all the others. I think Twitter is a close second to Facebook, though.  Kids of all ages and backgrounds use Facebook to connect with friends from school or family. Some adults use Facebook to re-connect with past friendships. And let’s not forget the games! There are so many games! Some people actually make a Facebook account to play the games. My grandma is a supreme example of that.  Although we enjoy Facebook, there are some that do not know the creator of this wonderful site.
Mark Zuckerberg is the creator of Facebook.  At the age of 23, a self-made billionaire, he is worth $1.5 billion dollars! He created the site when he was only 20 years old when he attended Harvard. His idea came from a program Harvard had called facebook (lower-case F) as a way of introducing students to each other. But Harvard’s facebook was equipped only with pictures of the students and was not a social networking site. Like I said, it was only created so that the students could go on and see other students in the University.
 Mark Zuckerberg took that idea, along with MySpace’s concept, and created the site we all know and have come to love. And in February of 2004, Facebook was born.  In just one month, half of the undergraduates of Harvard University had created an account.  (It was mainly a site for college students by the way). Zuckerberg expanded his site quickly, offering it to all Ivy League schools, and many other schools. By the end of its first year, Facebook had over one million users.
Over the span of six years, Facebook has expanded to the whole world, quickly becoming the world’s fastest growing social networking site, and now anyone, not just college students, can have a Facebook account!  Thank you Mark Zuckerberg for your contribution to the social networking world!
So there you have it folks! Now you know why Facebook was created! I hope you enjoyed my blog! Have a nice day! J

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Breast Cancer :(

as we all know, or should know, it is breast cancer awareness month. so I thought I would do a blog post on breast cancer. I hope you enjoy and I apologize for the late post.

Breast cancer is when cells in the breast divide and grow out of control.
About 85% of breast cancer begins in the mammary ducts.
About 15% arise in the lobules.

Tumors in the breast usually grow slowly. It can take up to 10 years before you even feel a lump in your breast! However, some are aggressive and grow much more rapidly. There are two types of breast cancers:
·         Invasive breast cancer
·         Ductal carcinoma in situ, aka, pre- invasive breast cancer.

Who gets breast cancer?
 About 207,090 new cases of invasive breast cancer in women will occur in the United States and estimated 39,840 of those women will die from it in this year alone! Also, an estimated 1,970 men will be diagnosed and 390 of those men will die in this year! In addition to invasive breast cancer, it is estimated that 54,010 new cases of in situ breast cancer will occur among women in 2010.
Understanding risk:
Absolute risk:
Absolute risk is a person’s chance of developing a specific disease over a certain period of time. One absolute risk we often see is the lifetime risk of breast cancer.
Risk factors:
Anything that affects a person’s absolute risk of developing a disease is called a risk factor. Risk factors can be related to lifestyle, genetics, or environment. Inactive women have a higher risk of developing breast cancer than active women.
Relative risk:
Though it may not sound familiar, it is often seen or heard about in stories about health. Relative risk is a way to present the increase or decrease in risk that’s due to a certain risk factor.


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

what is emo?

People are always asking “what is emo?” most think it is troublesome teenagers who wear too much black and listen to loud, weird music. But we know that’s not the case at all now don’t we? ,
The word “emo” is short for emotional.
“Emo is a slang term known to be short for emotional
Emo is actually a subculture that has evolved dramatically over time. (so there is the emo of yesterday, and today.)Emo of yesterday:
Emo was created as a shortened term to describe “emotive hardcore”. emotive hardcore is a genre of music. It is said to be the “true emo.” the name was applied to hardcore punk rock bands who separated their selves from other music artists by adding a lot of emotion to their music. Sadness, love and angst were dealt with in their lyrics.Emo of today:
The music has changed dramatically over the years and is not really considered “emo” if an emo from the 80’s were asked. Nowadays, it is more about fashion, hair, clothing, behavior and perspectives on life.
Most of society considers emos as failures because they wear their hearts on their sleeves. They are not “strong” enough to keep their emotions hidden.
So what is emo? Is it music? Is it clothes or hair? What is it? I’ll leave that up to you to decide. Just remember: there is not just one definition of emo. For some, it is someone “different form the social “norms.” if you will.”

references: (N.D).
emo community emo scene.
retrieved from,