
Monday, February 28, 2011

Dear Diary:

Dear diary:
Today was a great day. I had a lot of fun, except for this one person in my class that… blah blah blah…
What is the purpose of a diary? Isn’t that why we have friends, so we can talk freely about our feelings and all that other junk? Well even though we have our friends to talk to, there are still those few things in our minds that we can’t quite share with our “besties”.  A diary is a book in which you record events that happened throughout that day. But they are also sometimes used to write your thoughts and feelings outside of events that occurred that day.
Some people use a diary as a therapeutic solution. It is a good way to allow you to express your feelings and not let them stay bottled up inside you. If you have been abused, raped, or anything at all (it doesn’t have to be as big as my examples), a diary can help you cope. You can use them to unburden yourself from the trials of life and help figure out solutions for your problems. They can also be good to look back on in 10-20 years to see what your life was like when you were younger.
Another cool and important significance of a diary is a lot of the history that we know is because people back then kept diaries of what happened (The Diary of Anne Frank for example). So maybe in 100 years the diaries people write in today will be used as a record of our lives and how we lived.
What do you write about in your diary? Do you write about far away places with kings, queens, and fire-breathing dragons? Do you write about that person you can’t get out of your head? Or how about you parents who just done understand what your going through?  The beauty of those countless blank pages is that you can tell a story the way you want to tell it and there is no one to tell you no. it is your canvas, so go paint your picture. Who knows, maybe someday your diary will be an important book of history.

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