
Friday, October 1, 2010

it's not worth your life

Crimson Blood and Poison Tears

Rain, rain, go away,
Because of you the pain will stay.
Slit my throat, cut out my heart,
Leave me here, tear it apart.

Poison tears stream down my face,
My heart beats at a steady pace
As I try to stand again;
Alone and standing in the rain.

I don’t need you anymore…
Is what I think while tears pour.
I hate you like I hate my life;
But love is what cuts like a knife.

Love is death and death is you;
Its pain stains like a black tattoo.
Those memories come back again
And bind me in the ropes of pain.

Crimson blood streams down my head
Like a long, silk ribbon, tied by a thread,
To a platinum bullet, a hole in my skull…

...Now just a memory that’s faded and dull.

This is a poem created my a girl named Jessica. My question is this: why do people get so down that that they write things like this? Beautiful no doubt is this poem. But still it is filled with resentment and hatred.
I think it is because people deal with their issues in different ways. This is actually a healthy approach. Period. While some lean toward cutting themselves, other people write. Whether it be a journal entry, a song, or a poem. (no offense intended to anyone out their reading this that has ever cut their selves by the way.)
Did you know?
“According to the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL)

19.3% of high school students have seriously considered ending their lives
14.5% of high school students made actual plans for committing suicide

900,000 youth planned their suicides during and episode of major depression”

Depression plays a large role in causing teen suicide. It is very important to understand teen depression. (Parents, if your teen is acting depressed, don’t assume that they are just feeling sorry for their selves. Whether it be big or small, there is a reason they are upset. Find out what it is, but don’t force them to talk about it, and try to be there for them as much as possible.)

There are people out there that do care and want to help you. You are loved. I could think of 100 reasons for you to live.

For more information about teen depression and suicide,
Go to:
And teens, if you are considering suicide, please call:

Crimson Blood And Poison Tears, Emo Poems



  1. Very interesting post. I can very easily relate to this one. I am ashamed to say that I am in the 14.5% of teens who have actually planned a suicide attempt. I always enjoy reading your blog. Great job.

  2. depression is a serious medical disease. i have severe depression and there isn't one day that it doesn't get to me. Have hope and you will be ok. love this post Anthony. woo hoo =]
