
Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Power of Music

*The source that I used for this blog is an amazing source, and everything I have wanted to say for the blog is in the source that I got. So I will try not to quote it too much. Scouts honor!*
“it‘s often said that music is the universal language… Spoken languages use sets of agreed-upon symbols to express emotions and to reason abstractly. Communication through symbols, the quintessential human trait, is an absolute prerequisite for all other human action. But language isn’t just a tool to communicate morally neutral facts; language is both manifestly oral and suffused with the power to sway, persuade, uplift, degrade and deceive. To claim otherwise is to ignore a cast range of sociolinguistic activities, from debates, political propaganda, and “cuss words” to poetry and sacred writ.”

Whether you think about it, music is a huge form of communication. Think about how listening to music makes you feel and then how it makes you treat other people. If you listen to a happy, uplifting song, you are more likely to treat people kinder and nicer than you would if you were to listen to an angry song. “music, through its patters, rhythms, melodies, and tempo, not to mention its lyrics, is at once less capable of logical precision, and more capable of conveying emotional nuance, than spoken language.”
Both music and spoken language rely on the organization of sound to communicate (music is just more beautiful! ha-ha) now I know that not everyone likes this person, but I think he was a great human being, as well as philanthropist! Michael Jackson: the way he used his music to help others was just brilliant! Take “we are the world” for example. All the proceeds and benefits from that song went to charity to help starving African children as well as adults. He was a great man despite all of the horrible things said about him. He communicated with people, and saw the world in a completely different, beautiful light that I wish some of could do. Music does so much for us… for me, when I am feeling gloomy, I listen to music and it helps me cope with whatever is bothering me at the time. Music communicates different messages and feelings to each and every living person in this wonderful world of ours! What does music do for you? I would love to know! They say it is the universal language, to me, it is also one of the world’s most powerful medicines!



  1. let me be the first to comment: that last paragraph is wayyy huge! it needs to be cut in half and sectioned off

  2. I understand exactly about music's depths! I being a musician can relate with everything said! Great post! Work a little with keeping things straight forward and grammer. Good job!

  3. Very interesting post. I like your style of writing. It's very easy to understand.

  4. finally found the right blog, woo! this post is good. music is my life. great post!
