
Monday, December 13, 2010

Please be neat! wipe the seat!

                As you all know, my blog is about the communication. Throughout my blog I have discussed various types of communication. Communication is an essential part of life. However, there are places where you should not communicate with people.  There are just some places where it just isn’t appropriate, and a good example of when it isn’t appropriate is public restrooms.  Here today I will provide you with a list of rules to follow and why they are important when using a public restroom.
Rule 1: Always pick the urinal farthest away from the door. It’s just common courtesy, allowing all later arrivals and possibly “emergency” users to choose a closer one.
Rule 2: When choosing a urinal, always make sure there is a space (an empty urinal) between you and the other person, unless it is not possible (all are filled at that moment.)
Rule 3: don’t EVER take the middle if others are open. Even if you think you will be the only person using the bathroom, someone might walk in. a good rule of thumb is “The farther you are away from a fellow user, the better.”
Rule 4: always stand directly to the side of the next user and remain in his peripheral vision. Don’t make others nervous by standing in their blind spot.
Rule 5: no talking. EVER!
Rule 6: NEVER look to the side! It doesn’t matter if you think Donald Trump is standing beside you. The only acceptable places to look are down and up.
Rule 7: if you only have to go #1, doesn’t use a toilet designed for extended use (the #2.) use a urinal. There is probably going to be someone that walks in needing to go #2 and they wont be able to if you are on the toilet going #1.  ALWAYS BE CONSIDERATE OF OTHER USERS!
Rule 8: ALWAYS flush and WASH your hands. I cannot stress that enough.
Rule 9: NEVER make eye-contact with a fellow user. It is just weird and you might get punched.
                These are some of what I am sure are many rules of bathroom procedures to follow when using a public restroom. Like I said, always be considerate of your fellow user. What you wouldn’t want someone to do to you, don’t do to anyone else.